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General conditions of use packages of the website www.nasmeca.com
www.nasmeca.com has no obligation to publish or use opinions or materials that you send us, and even when you accept them, you can also eliminate them at any time without having to warn you beforehand.
In any case, any content that you send us to be published on this Website – including images, texts, questions, comments, suggestions or similar – we can use in the terms allowed by current legislation.
Whenever you send us a content, you guarantee – by the mere fact of sending it – that you are the legitimate owner thereof and that you have obtained the unequivocal consent of other persons appearing in said content, as well as that you have the exploitation rights ( including, but not limited to, the rights, reproduction, distribution, transformation, translation, monitor, modification rights and public communication) for the Internet environment, and which you can sublicense them to www.nasmeca.com By the mere sending of said content, you grant to www.nasmeca.com a license on non-exclusive exploitation rights of territorial scope throughout the world and for a duration equal to the maximum legally envisaged, with the capacity to sublicense, for use the content on this Website or any other Websites of www.nasmeca.com.
www.nasmeca.com declines all responsibility for the consequences that the voluntary, consensual and deliberate display by the user of his / her photographs or images and those of his / her family environment may involve himself, his family, friends and / or relatives or other third parties, or dissemination or exhibition of the same by you or by third parties or reproduction, even on other websites, blogs, social networks or any other means, support or mode digital operation or not, online or offline, since both the publication of comments or the insertion of photographs, images and texts, as well as their dissemination or dissemination to third parties, through their publication on this website, are entirely voluntary, consensual and , in general, unsolicited, and are carried out under the premise that “each user is the owner and responsible for what he publishes and the information that he freely and in his own communication initiati goes” .
www.nasmeca.com will act immediately after a report or suspicion that infringements of intellectual property rights may be occurring, violations of the right to the image of people who see themselves involuntarily or without their authorization on this website, or before any content that may be considered inappropriate and will remove it immediately. The publication, exhibition or exhibition of photographs, images and texts is not subject to any guarantee of confidentiality, nor the right to privacy, as long as you decide, consciously and voluntarily, that they are public, as it will be accessible to any person who and has granted in those non-exclusive licenses, transferable and with the possibility of being assigned to third parties for its use.
In addition to the above, you should not incorporate materials, texts, graphics, photographs, videos, etc. On our page, they treat or are susceptible to attack, in general, against morals, ethics, good taste or decorum.
In general, it is prohibited to send content or perform acts on the site (such as reverse engineering or piracy) that, in the opinion of www.nasmeca.com, may be considered inappropriate or prohibited in accordance with the legislation applicable to this Website www.productsnas.com will provide the authorities with all materials and / or evidence that is suspected of violating current legislation and will actively assist the latter in the prosecution of the offender, including, without limitation, the following:
- Any act that would constitute a breach of privacy (including transfers to the Private Information Website without the authorization of the affected person) or any other legal rights of natural persons;
- Use this website to defame or slander www.nasmeca.com, its employees or other individuals or acting in such a way that the good name of www.nasmeca.com into disrepute;
- Transfer to the Website files that contain viruses that may cause damage to the property of www.nasmeca.com or to the property of natural persons;
- Place or transmit to this Website any unauthorized material, including, without limits, material that is likely to cause, in our opinion, inconvenience or damage, or in violation of the systems or the security of the network www.nasmeca.com or of third parties, material that is defamatory, racist, obscene, threatening, pornographic content or any form of illegality in general.
Below we outline in a clear and clear manner the responsibilities and obligations of the suppliers of Products and Services of www.nasmeca.com
SUPPLIERS of Products and Services
The suppliers are fully responsible for the actual existence of the products that upload to the web, as well as the possession of authorization of the product in view of the publication on the platform, and to have the necessary permits for its movement, circulation and advertising through of those that www.nasmeca.com considers necessary, such as social networks or other type of publicity linked to the capture of potential clients.
Sales commissions
The SUPPLIERS agree with www.nasmeca.com a sale commission agreed by means of a physical contract signed in a separate document.
Product publication
Suppliers may upload their products autonomously to the platform, although they will be previously evaluated by the administrators of www.nasmeca.com for approval and publication.
The conditions of representation of products or services in the platform www.nasmeca.com will be based on the following general stipulations:
Registration phase
- Application for product acceptance
To initiate the registration process of the product or service at www.nasmeca.com , it is important that you complete the product or service presentation form. Available below this page.
Once the form has been received, we will verify and study the product or service, in case of product acceptance we will send you an information and product acceptance email so that you can continue with the product registration phase at www.nasmeca.com.
- Register as a user. Click here
- Once registered between to My account … My profile
Fill in the user profile form, otherwise the application will not be accepted.
- Once you have filled out the user profile, choose the package that most interests you.
- Then you will have access to the product or service upload.
Signing of a contract in accordance with the current regulations of application, European Directive 86/653 / CEE and Law 12/1992, of May 27, on the Contract of Agency of exclusive representation for a period of 24 months in destination countries
Implementation of the Nasmeca logo and directory on the supplier’s website as a representative of the Middle East and Arab Countries * as well as in digital documentation (dossiers, catalogs, price lists, etc.). * Destination countries of market opening according to contract
The supplier will have the obligation to provide samples of products (merchandise, food, drugstore, commercial samples, etc.) free of charge to www.nasmeca.com for analysis and compliance, and subsequently to the delegates of the different countries chosen for the purpose of the commercialization and exhibition of products. The corresponding technical sheets will also be provided.
The provider will have the obligation to communicate urgently any type of contingency or alteration of the commercial agreements for reasons of major cause that may happen. (Loss in the producer’s factory, shipping or production problems, etc.)
When a customer from the country of destination of the market opening, contracted with Nasmeca exclusively, contacts the supplier to request information about the product or service offered, the provider will have the obligation to channel it and refer it to www.nasmeca.com as the exclusive agent of the area or destination country.
The supplier will have the obligation to comply with the current legislation in all aspects of its production and marketing of the product or service offered, as well as to be up to date with Social Security and Tax Agency payments. In addition www.nasmeca.com may require, always in the interest of the commercial development of your product or service, the relevant documentation that guarantees compliance with the required regulations, as well as quality, labor, sanitary, environmental and waste management certifications, etc.
Once the collaboration and agreement between the FINAL CLIENT (Distributors, delegations, franchises, investors, etc.) and the Supplier, the Supplier undertakes to provide a copy of the quarterly sales lists, as well as the calculation of the corresponding commission Nasmeca for the services, which will be accrued in favor of Nasmeca Business SL by the Supplier on a quarterly basis, from the 5th to the 15th of the following month, after the closing of the operations of the natural quarter of the year and in accordance with the stipulated contract.
Nasmeca Business SL will not intervene in any way in the form of payment or methods of trade agreed between CLIENT FINAL and Supplier, so it will not be the responsibility of Nasmeca Business SL such agreements and therefore will not be subject to dilatations of payment under any circumstances, the agreed commissions have to be accrued according to the previous point.
The contract will be of automatic renewal by biannual periodicity as previously agreed in the signed physical contract. If the Supplier wishes to terminate the contract, he must notify info@nasmeca.com of such circumstances and reasons within THREE MONTHS in advance.
Nasmeca Business SL will have the right of clientele in the relationship between Suppliers and the FINAL CLIENT, where the Products or Services offered by the Supplier have been contracted or acquired through the intermediation of Nasmeca.
All the contract and obligations of this agreement will be subject to the current regulations applicable in this case: European Directive 86/653 / CEE and Law 12/1992, of May 27, on Agency Contract.
Nasmeca is not obliged under any circumstance to obtain a certain number of transactions with any service or product, so that a minimum volume of sales cannot be required under any premise.
Nasmeca will ensure the good image and proper treatment of the Product or Service, taking into account the quality standards in each particular case.
Nasmeca will always work with transparency, good Faith, ethics and morals, in addition to complying with current legislation.
Nasmeca will evaluate through samples sent by the supplier free of charge, and prior to the total acceptance of the product in the platform, the suitability and quality of the product or service offered.
Nasmeca may delegate the Product or Service offered by the supplier to a company or a competent natural person with proven professionalism in the matter.[/vc_column_text][g5plus_space desktop=”95″ tablet=”75″ tablet_portrait=”55″ mobile_landscape=”45″ mobile=”45″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row_content” css=”.vc_custom_1556535650026{background-image: url(https://www.nasmeca.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/nasmeca-business-265.jpg?id=14453) !important;background-position: center !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;background-size: cover !important;}”][vc_column][g5plus_space desktop=”103″ tablet=”85″ tablet_portrait=”65″ mobile_landscape=”45″ mobile=”45″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″ el_class=”col-mb-12 sm-mg-bottom-45″ offset=”vc_col-md-3 vc_col-xs-6″][g5plus_counter title=”PROJECTS COMPLETED” icon_type=”icon” icon_font=”fa fa-check” end=”90″ separator=”” decimal=”” suffix=”+” color_scheme=”color-light”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″ el_class=”col-mb-12 sm-mg-bottom-45″ offset=”vc_col-md-3 vc_col-xs-6″][g5plus_counter title=”DELEGATIONS NASMECA” icon_type=”icon” icon_font=”icon-location22″ end=”36″ separator=”” decimal=”” suffix=”+” color_scheme=”color-light”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″ el_class=”col-mb-12 sm-mg-bottom-45″ offset=”vc_col-md-3 vc_col-xs-6″][g5plus_counter title=”DELEGATED AGENTS” icon_type=”icon” icon_font=”icon-users2″ end=”120″ separator=”” decimal=”” suffix=”+” color_scheme=”color-light”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″ el_class=”col-mb-12 sm-mg-bottom-45″ offset=”vc_col-md-3 vc_col-xs-6″][g5plus_counter title=”TRANSACTIONS” icon_type=”icon” icon_font=”icon-hosting-download” end=”250″ separator=”” decimal=”” suffix=”+” color_scheme=”color-light”][/vc_column][vc_column][g5plus_space desktop=”100″ tablet=”80″ tablet_portrait=”60″ mobile_landscape=”0″ mobile=”0″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” parallax=”content-moving” overlay_mode=”color” overlay_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.8)”][vc_column width=”2/3″ offset=”vc_col-md-offset-3 vc_col-md-6 vc_col-sm-offset-2 vc_col-xs-offset-1 vc_col-xs-10″ el_class=”col-mb-12 col-mb-offset-0″][g5plus_space desktop=”100″ tablet=”80″ tablet_portrait=”60″ mobile_landscape=”50″ mobile=”50″][g5plus_heading sub_title=”ALWAYS SERVE YOU” title=”ASK ABOUT” text_align=”text-center” el_class=”mg-bottom-60 sm-mg-bottom-50″][vc_column_text][super_form id=”15265″][/vc_column_text][g5plus_space desktop=”100″ tablet=”80″ tablet_portrait=”60″ mobile_landscape=”50″ mobile=”50″][/vc_column][/vc_row]